You can hide page titles site-wide by turning them off in the Beaver Builder Global Settings dialog. If you only want to hide page titles on a page by page basis, follow these tips.
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You can hide page titles site-wide by turning them off in the Beaver Builder Global Settings dialog. If you only want to hide page titles on a page by page basis, follow these tips.
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You can hide page titles site-wide by turning them off in the Beaver Builder Global Settings dialog. If you only want to hide page titles on a page by page basis, follow these tips.
Display a full width header image and overlay title for single posts
There is currently no option to display full-width images and titles using the Beaver Builder theme but follow this tutorial from BeyondBeaver to achieve the look.
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You can hide page titles site-wide by turning them off in the Beaver Builder Global Settings dialog. If you only want to hide page titles on a page by page basis, follow these tips.
TAKE-OFF! Part 1: Using Beaver Builder
You can hide page titles site-wide by turning them off in the Beaver Builder Global Settings dialog. If you only want to hide page titles on a page by page basis, follow these tips.
Beaver Builder theme hooks map function
If you’re using the Beaver Builder theme and need a handy way to reference the available hooks, add this code, provided by CobaltApps to your theme’s functions.php file for a quick way to display hooks on the front end.