The Beaver Builder July Update is out and some interesting revelations hint at what the BB team are planning.

First, there is the news that two new members have joined the BB ranks; Nancy Hildebrandt will help put together a new knowledge base and Brent Jett will assist with putting together new user interface ideas and concepts. We can’t wait to see the results of their work.

The Ecosystem

The update highlights a significant aspect of Beaver Builder’s growth over the last 6 months – that of the growing ecosystem of sites, add-ons and products being released for BB. There is a word of caution from the team – make your selections wisely – but also an acknowledgement that the community is rolling up their sleeves and providing plenty of imaginative ways to enhance, educate and share Beaver Builder goodies. And there is no stopping the demand or supply! We’re one of the newbies on the block too, and we see the ecosystem as being an important and fundamental branch of the future success of Beaver Builder.

Theme Template Builder

The big news though is the announcement that Beaver Builder is planning a new Theme Template Builder. This feature has been requested in the Customer Feedback Forums, and we’re thrilled that it will now make its way into a future release. As an example, the new feature will allow you to design templates for displaying blog posts, portfolio or custom posts types and then make it possible to assign that template to the entire site.

Previously you’d have to code theme files or use a plugin like Toolset to achieve this. Creating templates this way makes sense, as it extends Beaver Builder’s capabilities across more of your site. We hope the team include custom post types as well as custom fields in this feature as it would make for a groundbreaking step up for child theme designers and developers.

It’s going to mean some UI changes, so we hope Brent Jett and the UI team will be casting their magic over all of this to make it work well.

News from the community

There are some helpful footnotes this month gathering together some highlights of the BB community activity – we suspect this section might become quite important soon so keep it up BB team!

Check out the July Updates post on the BB Blog by following the link up right..

Have a happy and productive day everyone!

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