Summer holidays are in full swing and the fun continues as Beaver Builder releases news of exciting features in their upcoming Plugin version 1.9 & 2.0
Following on from our blog post last month, here are a few new updates to add to the upcoming plugin features…
Beaver Builder Plugin Updates
Justin Busa has recently updated the Trello Beaver Builder Roadmap with two very exciting features; the much-anticipated Columns in Columns and Dragging Columns. You can see these features and how they are expected to work in a preview here and if you’re a member of the Beaver Builder Facebook Group, visit this post.
Column feature upgrades
What this means is that unlike the current version where you cannot add columns to existing columns, this update will make this possible by allowing you to drag a column module into an existing module to create ‘nested’ columns. What’s more, the video shows how the Beaver Builder team have worked out the functionality for dragging columns to new locations with a simple pick up, drag and drop feature.
The current version of the Beaver Builder Plugin only allows you to drag modules to new locations, creating new rows if required, but this new feature will ensure that you can drag and drop complete column arrangements out of rows into new locations. A simple blue marker highlight shows where your columns will be located when moving around the layout. This is a much-requested feature and we’re certain that it will make the creation of complex layouts a breeze!
All this is expected to be released in the next update to the Beaver Builder Plugin, Version 1.9
User Interface Improvements
One of the great successes of the Beaver Builder Plugin is the editing interface. Back when page builders first became popular, front end editing was clunky and often saw users returning to backend admin editing screens to layout complex pages. The Beaver Builder Plugin changed all of that with a simple, intuitive interface that was easy for both designers and their clients to manage. True front end editing was born and the team at Beaver Builder ensure they still lead the way through innovation and clear development goals.
However scaling an application such as this requires an interface that is able to accommodate a growing list of features, modules, and 3rd party add-ons. Enter Brent Jet, designer and developer, drafted onto the Beaver Builder team to explore interface ideas. Brent’s work on the Plugin interface looks to be bringing a little bit of finesse to the Beaver Builder sidebar and explores an alternative way to display templates, rows and modules. Included in the update will be a preview and save on the fly button – something that 3rd party developers like MapSteps have offered with their Peek-a-Boo plugin.
New Beaver Builder Sidebar panel expected in version 2.0
The new panel an updated tab arrangement for displaying Templates, Rows and Modules and presumably offers key areas for 3rd Party add-ons to co-exist alongside core features. A handy save, settings, preview and close panel buttons site at the top of the panel and expand to show key information / additional links where necessary.
Video showing sidebar interface design expected in Version 2 of the Beaver Builder Plugin.