If you’re using the Beaver Builder theme and need a handy way to reference the available hooks, add this code, provided by CobaltApps to your theme’s functions.php file for a quick way to display hooks on the front end.

There is no easy way to turn the display of the hooks on and off – you need to uncomment the lines in the functions file to do so. Perhaps a plugin developer could create a handy tool from this to make it easy to switch on and off from the toolbar?

// Display BB action hooks on front-end of site (visible to logged in admins only)
function bb_theme_hooks_map() {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'administrator' ) )
$hooks = bb_theme_hooks_array();
foreach ( $hooks as $hook => $value ) {
add_action( '' . $value . '', function() use ( $value ) { echo '<div style="width:100%; background:#0F637D; border-bottom:1px solid #0A3D4F; padding:10px; color:#fff; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;">' . $value . '</div>'; } );
add_action( 'fl_head', 'bb_theme_hooks_map' );
function bb_theme_hooks_array() {
$hooks = array(
'fl_head_open' => 'fl_head_open',
'fl_head' => 'fl_head',
'fl_body_open' => 'fl_body_open',
'fl_page_open' => 'fl_page_open',
'fl_before_top_bar' => 'fl_before_top_bar',
'fl_top_bar_col1_open' => 'fl_top_bar_col1_open',
'fl_top_bar_col1_close' => 'fl_top_bar_col1_close',
'fl_top_bar_col2_open' => 'fl_top_bar_col2_open',
'fl_top_bar_col2_close' => 'fl_top_bar_col2_close',
'fl_after_top_bar' => 'fl_after_top_bar',
'fl_before_header' => 'fl_before_header',
'fl_header_content_open' => 'fl_header_content_open',
'fl_header_content_close' => 'fl_header_content_close',
'fl_after_header' => 'fl_after_header',
'fl_before_content' => 'fl_before_content',
'fl_content_open' => 'fl_content_open',
'fl_post_top_meta_open' => 'fl_post_top_meta_open',
'fl_post_top_meta_close' => 'fl_post_top_meta_close',
'fl_post_bottom_meta_open' => 'fl_post_bottom_meta_open',
'fl_post_bottom_meta_close' => 'fl_post_bottom_meta_close',
'fl_comments_open' => 'fl_comments_open',
'fl_comments_close' => 'fl_comments_close',
'fl_sidebar_open' => 'fl_sidebar_open',
'fl_sidebar_close' => 'fl_sidebar_close',
'fl_content_close' => 'fl_content_close',
'fl_after_content' => 'fl_after_content',
'fl_footer_wrap_open' => 'fl_footer_wrap_open',
'fl_before_footer_widgets' => 'fl_footer_wrap_open',
'fl_after_footer_widgets' => 'fl_after_footer_widgets',
'fl_before_footer' => 'fl_before_footer',
'fl_after_footer' => 'fl_after_footer',
'fl_footer_col1_open' => 'fl_footer_col1_open',
'fl_footer_col1_close' => 'fl_footer_col1_close',
'fl_footer_col2_open' => 'fl_footer_col2_open',
'fl_footer_col2_close' => 'fl_footer_col2_close',
'fl_footer_wrap_close' => 'fl_footer_wrap_close',
'fl_page_close' => 'fl_page_close',
'fl_body_close' => 'fl_body_close'
return $hooks;


  1. Hi Ian, thanks for posting this. The Beaver Tunnels plugin does a great job of displaying BB hooks in the front end that can be easily turned on and off from the WP admin bar. But it’s not free.

    1. Hey Andrea – thanks for the tip. I use Beaver Tunnels and the hook guide is great. It would be awesome if there was a way non-Beaver Tunnels users could have the same functionality through this little snippet…

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