Beaver Builder, unlike many other page builders, does not compose pages using shortcodes. This is a major benefit of using the Beaver Builder Plugin as you always retain ownership of your content.

What does that mean exactly?

If you spend hours and hours entering text, images and other content into some page builders and it stops working, you could end up losing the text and images and be left with a mass of ugly shortcodes instead. Your beautiful page of elegantly composed text and images could end up looking like garbage and leaving you with the time-consuming task of picking out the content from within the code.

Always consider that you might be creating a website for a client and handing them a ticking time bomb if the page builder you have chosen uses shortcodes to display your content.

Beaver Builder doesn’t wrap your content in shortcodes and if you ever turn it off or in the unlikely event of that the Beaver Builder plugin stops working, your content will remain intact and editable from within the usual WordPress editor.

3rd party plugins designed to be used with Beaver Builder work the same way.


  1. What I missed here was an explanation how Beaver Builder does add content blocks. Do they use HTML s perhaps? If they are not using shortcodes then what is implemented for the display of Beaver Builder content Ian?

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