Call Out

Example 1

In this example, we show a call out with a left aligned icon and H3 heading text.

Do something today

The standard call-out box includes a Heading and description text much like the Call to action module. However, with the call out module you have a few extra features to use such adding images and a call to action button.

Example 2

In this example, we show a centrally stacked call out with a large icone and a call to action link.

Book A Break Today!

The standard call-out box includes a Heading and description text much like the Call to action module. However, with the call out module you have a few extra features to use such adding images and a call to action button.

Find out more about our package deals

Example 3

In this example, we've moved the image to the left of the box.

Book A Break Today!

The standard call-out box includes a Heading and description text much like the Call to action module. However, with the call out module you have a few extra features to use such adding images and a call to action button.

Find out more about our package deals

Example 4

In this example, we've moved the image to the right of the centrally stacked box and made the call to action link a button.

Book A Break Today!

The standard call-out box includes a Heading and description text much like the Call to action module. However, with the call out module you have a few extra features to use such adding images and a call to action button.

Thanks for reading!
[beaver_tunnels] [php snippet=22] [/beaver_tunnels]